Crème Brûlée

This month’s Sugar High Friday is all about what we crave or can’t pass over on the dessert tray.

I’d thought about cheesecakes, frozen towers of ice cream, pecan pie and even the peanut butter-chocolate-corn flake clusters my cousin makes every Christmas. But it’s the perfectly candy sealed custard package of crème brûlée that I just CAN NOT resist.

I mean, who can deny any editable that requires a blow torch? The simple thought of the initial crack is divine. It’s a dessert to match any mood. Crack it forcefully, intertwining the crystal chards of sugary heaven into the custard or shyly chip away the crust to allow for the perfect custard : sugar pairing. Even when it could be considered a heavier dessert, I can always find room for crème brûlée.

The not so sweet custard can be matched with a myriad of flavours like cocoa, caramel or hazelnut. Topped with a perfectly even, crisp crust of hyper-melted sugar, je suis dans un rêve. Mmm Je t’aime.


1 Package Soft Silken Tofu
1/2 Cup Fruit Sugar
1/3 Cup Soy Milk
2 Tablespoons Vanilla
2 Tablespoons Arrowroot Powder
1 Pinch of Salt
3 Tablespoons granulated sugar to brûlée the tops

Preheat the oven to 325ºF (160ºC)
Drain and slightly press the tofu while you prepare the remaining ingredients and tools.
Prepare 6 ramekins and a shallow brownie baking pan, cutting a piece of parchment to evenly cover the pan.
Boil a kettle full of water.
In the bowl of a food processor, combine the tofu, sugar, vanilla, soy milk and salt.
Once smooth, whisk in the arrowroot with the motor running.
Pour prepared custard into the ramekins and distribute them into the baking pan.
Carefully pour the boiling water from the kettle into the bottom of the pan so the water comes 2/3 of the way up the sides of the ramekins; taking care not to splash water into the custard.
Cover the pan with the parchment paper and slowly transfer everything into the oven.
Bake for about 45-50 minutes or until set. The centers may have a slight jiggle, but well set more as they cool.
Remove the ramekins from the water and transfer to the refrigerator to cool completely, about an hour.
To brûlée the custards, sprinkle enough sugar
to evenly coat each top (about 1 tsp). Using a hand held blowtorch, pass the tip of the flame over the sugar until it begins to turn amber and caramelize.
Once finished, the caramel should be thin, crisp and crackly.

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I'm a chef, food stylist, cancer survivor, recipe developer, art director and photographer. My obsession for food, how it looks and makes me healthier has driven my passion for chronicling my journey through photos. Find more about me on: or my portfolio at:

10 thoughts on “Crème Brûlée”

  1. What is “fruit sugar”? Is it confectioners/powdered sugar?
    Please reply. Thanks! P.S. This looks divine! Thanks for posting it for us Creme Brulee addicts.

  2. Fruit sugar is fructose. Sugar that is derived from fruit.
    It’s finer than granulated sugar and I usually can find it in the bulk aisle. It is vegan, but it if you know your source, you can use a fine sugar (cane or beet).You might find it at your local grocery store.

    It’s sweet but close. I hope this helps and you enjoy the creme brulee!

  3. hello! i tried this recipe last night and was wondering if you could offer some advice…

    how firm does the creme get? i baked it for 45 minutes and chilled for 1 hour. once complete, it seemed much softer than usual, more like a pudding than a custard. did i just not bake it long enough or is this usually the consistency?


    Hi Lesley, Thanks for letting me know. Were you using a firm tofu? Where it is different than a traditional custard, the recipe should turn out thicker than a pudding.
    I hope you still enjoyed it and perhaps will give it a try again.

  4. My husband and I make regular creme brulee all the time but my sister is vegan and can’t enjoy it. So we would like to make this for her but add maybe sweet potatoes or lemons to make it a flavored creme brulee. Do you have any sugestions to add this without ruining the custard?
    Thank you.
    Hi Megan,
    You could try caramel or citrus zest rubbed into the sugar. Perhaps Amaretto or a hazelnut extract with cocoa?
    What ever you try, I’d love to hear about it!

  5. How much exactly (in grams) is one package of tofu and do you use the firm or the soft kind?
    You’ll need a 454g package of silken tofu.

  6. Hello. I tried this recipe but is came out kinda grainy and not smooth . Any Suggestions?
    hi john, was it silken tofu you used? how about sugar? Make sure it’s fine, it dissolves easier.

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